Cottage Governance
Governance Summary
University Cottage Club (UCC) is governed by a 21 member Board of Governors (the “Board”) that is currently represented by alumni from the 2006 to 1970 sections, plus a rotating annual member represented by the recently graduated President. Each Board member serves an initial three-year term, subject to re-election.
The Board meets regularly throughout the year and, if needed, supplements the meetings with conference calls. The mission of the Board is to:
Assure that the Club operates in a fiscally responsible way;
Raise capital from the alumni so that the Club can maintain its independence and invest in its property, plant, equipment and landscaping;
Provide oversight over the undergraduate members with respect to safety, inclusion, civility and respect for other members.
Cottage continuously seeks loyal and supportive alumni to join the Board. Board membership is predicated by an individual’s willingness to dedicate time, effort, geographic domicile, particular skill set, graduation vintage, and participation in fundraising campaigns. Cottage would benefit from increased diversity among its Board, and encourages any alumnus who is interested in serving to submit such interest in writing (including a resume) to the attention of the Board Chairman, c/o Club Manager, University Cottage Club, 51 Prospect Avenue, Princeton NJ 08540;
UCC has approximately 4,000 living alumni of whom roughly a third have participated in capital gift campaigns and/or annual alumni dues.
Over the past two decades, the Club has concluded three major capital raising campaigns: The Fraser Society campaign 2005-2007, The Endure campaign 2011-2016, and the Matty Glinka Scholarship Fund (the “Glinka Fund”) 2017-ongoing. The capital raised through these campaigns has been reinvested in the clubhouse (built in 1906) and its furnishings, increased the endowment substantially, and funded grants to undergraduate members to help defray the cost of membership in support of clubwide efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity.
The Club engages The Mercadian Group as independent auditors on an annual basis, subject to Board approval. The Mercadian Group has delivered to Cottage a clean opinion for each of the past 20 years.
The Club’s Manager, Abby Gaynor, has been employed since July 2004. The Club’s Chef, Rick Guariglia has been employed at the Club since 1990. Staff turnover is well below peer group standards.
Undergraduate membership has been full and stable for decades and roughly split 50-50 between male and female members. The membership today consists of approximately 170 Juniors and Seniors, led by five undergraduate officers. The undergraduate membership is well represented geographically, athletically and internationally. The membership is also active in numerous Princeton University and local civic organizations. New members are elected by the undergraduate members via the Bicker process. Membership is subject to adherence to the Club’s Code of Conduct, which provides undergraduates with clear guidance on expected behavior by and amongst members.
Cottage’s relationship with Princeton University is favorable, and it does not depend on any support services or aid from the University.